Girl holding a poster

Zara Godwin attended the Middle Peninsula Summer Regional Governor’s School (MPSRGS), themed "Touching Tomorrow Today," held from June 24-28, 2024. The program serves gifted students from nine school divisions and focuses on solving real-world problems through research, field studies, guest speakers, and labs. This one-week program equips students with the skills to identify and propose solutions to various issues, preparing them to face tomorrow’s challenges.

Zara Godwin, a 3rd grader from Tappahannock Elementary School, took on the exciting Lego Builders Challenge. Zara's creativity shone as she used Lego and other materials in unique ways to complete various STEM challenges. For the culminating project, Zara and her partner successfully built a bridge strong enough to support an adult, demonstrating her ability to think "outside the brick" and her excellent teamwork skills. Zara’s innovative approach and enthusiasm made her a standout participant in this engaging course.