Interim Principal

Dear Tappahannock Elementary Community,

Hello, my name is Joan Temple, and I am honored to introduce myself as the interim principal at Tappahannock Elementary School. I am deeply committed to our school community and eager to support our students, staff, and families during this time.

I bring with me a wealth of experience in education, having taught for 10 years, served as an assistant principal for 8 years, and held the position of principal for 12 years in Chesterfield County. Additionally, I spent 3 years as a principal coach/partner in Petersburg, worked as an education consultant for Rappahannock Community College for 2 years, and have been a part of Essex County Public Schools part time for the past 3 years.

This year, our community faced a heartbreaking loss with the passing of Ms. Daily, who was not only the principal of Tappahannock Elementary but also a friend to many of us. When Dr. Blount called and asked if I would step in as interim principal until Ms. Daily could return, I agreed without hesitation. My goal was to ensure a smooth school opening and an easy transition for Ms. Daily’s return. Like all of you, I was in shock when we received the news of her passing. Ms. Daily’s dedication to our students and her unwavering spirit were truly inspiring. I am committed to honoring her legacy by continuing the work she was so passionate about.

In memory of Ms. Daily, I will strive to provide the best possible environment for our students, staff, and families. Ms. Daily would have wanted us to stay the course for our kids, and that is exactly what I intend to do.

Please know that my door is always open. If you have any questions, concerns, or simply wish to chat, do not hesitate to reach out to me via email or phone. I usually spend the majority of my day in the classrooms; however, if you have a need to meet with me please call so we can set up a time that is convenient for you. I am looking forward to working closely with each and every one of you to ensure the success and well-being of our students.

Thank you for your support and cooperation. Let's work together to make this a great year for Tappahannock Elementary.

Warm regards,

Joan Temple

Interim Principal 

Tappahannock Elementary School 



Picture of Joa Temple